Top Rated Yoga Mats

Yoga Mat Storage – Tips on the best storage options

As someone who practices yoga daily, I know how important it is to keep my yoga mat stored somewhere to keep it tidy and clean.

Over the years I’ve collected a few different yoga mats, trying to find my ‘just right’. They come with me to every yoga session and sometimes even travel with me.

So, when I get home I to keep them in spot that’s easy to find, keeps them looking neat and helps them last for ages.

My yoga is improved because of my mats, so its important to me that I look after them.

yoga mat storage

Why is Yoga Mat Storage Important?


A clean yoga mat is important for hygiene, so once I’ve cleaned my mat I put it away so it’s not going to get dirty again. Storing it properly will stop the dust and dirt from getting on your mat surface.

Easy Access

I dont’ know about you but I like to know where things in my house are…rather than hunting for them when it’s time to go to a yoga session. So wherever that might be, it’s ideal to have it in a special place – so you save time and it’s always just where you left it.

Long lasting

When your mat is put out of the way, there’s less chance of it getting torn or unnecessary wear and tear. It will maintain it’s cushioning and last longer, which will save you money.

How to Store Your Yoga Mat

This is where you get to choose the best option for your house and lifestyle. There’s lots of different ways to store your mat, it’s just working out what you need.

yoga mat storage

Yoga mat bags

Some yoga mat’s come with a bag for storage when you buy them, others don’t.

The idea with this is to just roll up your yoga mat after each session and put it into the bag and zip it up for safety.

This is a really simple and easy solution and there’s lots of options online.

This one is a solid, affordable yoga bag, which costs around $20.

Click here for more details.

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Wall mounted storage racks

I must admit I love the look of and the space saving idea of these wall mounted yoga mat racks.

They’re easy to install and your mat is visible and safe at all times.

You can put it in your garage, entry hallway or bedroom.

It’s also got a cute little wooden shelf and room for your yoga blocks and a few other bits and pieces.

Click here to get more detail.

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Wall mounted 4+ mat storage racks

I decided to include this one for you in case you’re like me and have multiple yoga mats that you need to store.

This is simple and very functional for storing all your yoga mats nice and neatly.

Click here to get more detail.

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Yoga mat basket

The yoga mat basket is a multipurpose solution.

It can not only store a couple of yoga mats but also your towel and drink bottle too.

It’s a nice addition to your home and easy to grab your mat out on your way out the door.

Click here for more information.

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Yoga mat storage cart

If you can’t just stop at a yoga mat or two and you have the whole kit and kaboodle you are definitely going to need this storage cart.

That way you can have your weights, straps, blocks and other bits too.

Saves it all being all around the house and I think it looks really professional.

Click here for more information.

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Gaiam yoga mat strap

So, if you are thinking to yourself all these options are great but you just want to put your mat under your bed or leave it in your wardrobe, we have a DIY solution to help you too.

This yoga mat strap is a great little option.

You just slap the strap on and it stays rolled up tight and you can put your mat anywhere.

Click here for more information.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

There’s just a couple of things I want to let you know to avoid when you’re storing your mat, these include:

Storing a dirty mat

Our mats get a build up of sweat, dirt and bacteria on them. The last thing we should do is leave them with all that festering while it’s stored away.

Next time you open it up you might notice nasty odours, dirty patches and it’s generally just really unhygienic. Clean your mat before storing it.

yoga mat storage

Storing in a damp area

If you store it in a damp area you’re likely to notice mould and mildew when you next unroll your mat.

Make sure your mat isnt damp when you roll it up and don’t place it in a damp or moist area.

In the sunlight

When yoga mats are exposed to sunlight for too long they start to break down the material.

Try to keep it in a cool, dry place, without any sun coming through.

Not cleaning regularly

You should clean your mat every couple of times that you use it at least.

If you dont clean it you’ll be leaving a build up of bacteria, dirt and sweat sitting on the material.

This can not only cause gross smells and bad hygiene but it can also start breaking down the material of the mat.

Extreme temperatures

Too much heat or cold can cause the material to warp or start to deteriorate.

Be aware of storing your mat outside or in the trunk of your car where the temperature can fluctuate too much.

yoga mat storage

FAQ’s about yoga mat storage

How often should I clean my yoga mat?

It’s a good idea to clean your yoga mat after every use (or at least every couple of uses). You can use a mild soap and water to clean your mat, or you can use a yoga mat cleaner.

How do I get rid of the smell on my yoga mat? 

Give your mat a wipe down with water and a bit of vinegar mixed in, then out into the sunshine for an hour. That should do the trick but if it doesn’t you can buy some yoga mat cleaner.

Can I store my yoga mat outdoors?

To give your mat the best chance to last for years it’s best to keep your mat indoors. If it’s out in the elements it’s much more likely to break down the material and have more wear and tear.

What’s the best way to store multiple yoga mats?

The wall mounted storage racks are a good option for storing more than two yoga mats. You could even have multiple racks to cater for more, depending on how many mats you have. Let them ahve some breathing room to air out a bit.

Can I leave my yoga mat rolled up when not in use?

Most yoga mats are made to be rolled up and stored. If you get a chance to let is lay out flat and get some air that’s also a great option.

How do you keep a yoga mat unrolled?

You can keep your yoga mat unrolled, give it a clean, put a towel under your bed and lay your mat on top of the towel. It’s safe under there and might be a good idea to put a towel over the top of the mat too – just to stop the dust sitting on your mat.

Are there specific materials to avoid when choosing a yoga mat bag?

When you choose a yoga mat bag try to choose one that is made from a metarial that can breath and wont trap in any moisture. This way you avoid getting mould growing on your mat.

How do you store a yoga mat in a bedroom?

There’s a few options here: you can store it under your bed, unrolled on top of a towel. You could also get a yoga basket and wall mounted mat rack and keep it in there in your bedroom. A bedroom isnt a bad place for a yoga mat, as long as it gets some air every now and then.

How long will my yoga mat last?

The lifespan of your yoga mat really depends on a few factors, including how often you use it and how well you take care of it. With proper care and storage, most yoga mats should last for at least a few years.


Hopefully, you know know the best ways to store your yoga mat to make sure it stays hygienic and lasts for a long time.

It just takes a bit of care and thought to create a location in your house to store it and let it rest peacefully after each yoga session.

Once you get into your new routine of cleaning and then storing your mat each time it’ll be easy.

There wont be any rumaging under your bed or around the house before yoga trying to find your mat, it’ll be ready for you in its special place.

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