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How To Do Half Moon Yoga Pose and The Benefits!

Half Moon Yoga Pose, also known as Ardha Chandrasana, is a standing yoga pose that needs balance and strength.

It can be quite a challenging pose that can be performed by people of all levels.

I’ll give you all there is to know about how you get into the Half Moon Yoga Pose, all the benefits and more.

Getting into Half Moon Yoga Pose

half moon yoga

Here are the steps you need to get into the Half Moon Yoga Pose:

  1. Start in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Stand at one end of your mat with your feet hip-width apart. Squeeze your thighs and lift your heart up, while keeping your shoulders back.
  2. Then move into Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) Move your left foot backwards, keeping it at a 45-degree angle. Bend your right knee, trying your best to keep it aligned it with your ankle, and extend your arms parallel to the floor.
  3. Move Your Weight Start moving your weight onto your right leg while maintaining a strong grounding through your foot. Squeeze your core muscles to help keep your body balanced.
  4. Reach for the Floor Reach your right hand to the floor in front of your right foot, (you can put your hand on a block if needed) or straight onto the mat. Keep your fingers in line with your toes.
  5. Lift your Left Leg Lift your left leg up off the ground, make sure you keep it parallel to the floor. Flex your left foot towards your leg and squeeze these leg muscles.
  6. Reach up your Left Arm: Simultaneously, reach your left arm toward the ceiling, creating a straight line from your fingertips to your left heel.
  7. Open the Hips and Chest: Turn your chest to open your hips and chest towards the left side. Stack your shoulders and maintain a steady gaze either down or toward your left fingertips.
  8. Hold and Breathe: Stay in the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, focusing on your breathing and holding your balance. To release, lower the left leg and return to Warrior II. Then you can repeat this on the other side.
half moon yoga

Watch this video so you can get the technique for the Half Moon Yoga Pose.


Benefits of the Half Moon Yoga Pose

Improved Balance and Coordination: It requires attention and good coordination to keep you balanced in this pose, which helps to improve these skills in general. Do it on a fairly regular basis to strengthen the muscles in your legs and core.

Stretches Hamstrings and Groin: Doing this pose give your hamstrings and groin muscles a deep stretch, alleviating tightness in the hips and improving flexibility.

Stimulates Digestition When you are twisting your torso it stimulates the digestive organs, helping to improve digestion and promoting a healthy gut.

Better Focus and Concentration: Balancing poses like Half Moon Yoga require intense concentration, this helps to calm our mind and have better focus.

Strengthens the Legs and Ankles: Because we are placing our weight on one leg at a time it strengthens the muscles in the standing leg and ankles, improving overall lower body strength.


While of course Half Moon Yoga Pose gives us numerous benefits, it might not be suitable for everyone.

People with the following conditions should approach this pose with caution or avoid it altogether:

Low Blood Pressure: If you’ve got low blood pressure, be cautious when moving into and out of the pose to prevent dizziness.

Migraines or Headaches The inversion aspect of Half Moon Pose might make migraines or headaches worse for some people. If you experience these conditions, think about either not doing it or perhaps modifying the pose.

Recent or Chronic Hip, Back, or Shoulder Injuries: People with injuries in these areas should really speak with their doctor before event attempting this pose. You dont want to exacerbate your condition in anyway so get some personalized guidance.

half moon pose

Common Mistakes in the Half Moon Yoga Pose

Here are some very common mistakes that I’ve seen people do when they first attempt this pose:

Not tensing your core It is important to squeeze your core muscles to hold your balance and keep stable in the pose.

Not stacking your hips Make sure you’re not dropping your hip. You need to stack your hips to maintain correct alignment in the pose.

Not keeping the standing leg straight It’s tempting to slightly bend the knee but it’s important to keep your standing leg straight. It helps to improve balance and stability in the pose.

Rounding the shoulders Keep your shoulders stacked and open, avoid the inclination to hunch forward. This ensures a strong and stable base.

Overlooking flexibility Prioritize lengthening your spine over touching the floor. If you need to use a block for support do that rather than straining your lower back.


How long should I hold the pose? Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths if you can.

How can I modify Half Moon Pose if I’m having trouble balancing? Place a block under your hand for extra support and then slowly work on building up your strength and balance.

Can I do this pose if I’ve got a neck or back injury? No, this one can put strain on the neck and back, which can make these existing injuries flare up.

half moon yoga

How often should I practice Half Moon Pose for the most benefits? Aim for around 2-3 times per week, gradually increasing the length of time your hold it as your strength and flexibility improve.

Is it normal to feel uncomfortable in my lower back during the pose? Discomfort could mean you dont have the correct alignment. Focus on squeezing your core and lengthening your spine. Ask someone to give you feedback on how you are aligned if you continue feeling the discomfort.

Can Half Moon Pose be practiced while I’m pregnant? Pregnant ladies should use caution when considering this pose. It would be best to check with a prenatal yoga instructor and your doctor for advice first.

half moon yoga


The Half Moon Yoga Pose is a tricky pose to get just right, it requires balance and strength.

There are plenty of benefits, including better balance and coordination, strengthening your legs, hips, and core, stretching the hamstrings and groin, and improving digestion.

Remember to engage your core, stack your hips, and keep your standing leg straight to avoid common mistakes.

Remember, listen to your body, modify it if you need to, and enjoy the fun of discovering the strength and balance within yourself. Happy practicing!

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