Top Rated Yoga Mats

Breaking News: Behold the Largest Yoga Mat on the Planet!

Alright, you got me….. it might not be the actual largest yoga mat on Earth but I wanted to fill you in on where you can get large, extra-long and extra thick yoga mats.

There’s plenty of reasons why you might be here looking for a large mat.

Maybe you’re a larger person or you may be one of us who just likes more space to practice your yoga.

Now, if you’re a tall person, finding the right yoga mat can be a challenge.

Most yoga mats are designed for people of average height, which means that they’re too short for tall people.

Fortunately, there are some extra-long yoga mats available that are perfect for tall people.

Whatever your reason, I’ll give you all the details on all the largest yoga mats available.

Introducing our Largest Yoga Mat

The Jade Yoga Harmony Yoga Mat is one of the best extra-long yoga mats for tall people.

Extra-Long Yoga Mat

If you’re looking for a mat that’s even longer, the Manduka PROlite Yoga & Pilates Mat is a great choice. 

This mat is fantastic for you tall people as it comes in a 71″, 79″ and 85″ style.

Make sure if you do decide to buy this mat, that you check carefully down the bottom of the order to make sure you selected the correct size.  

These mats are premium quality and handmade from 100% latex-free PVC.

It’s lightweight and easy to carry around, making it perfect for people who are always on the go.

 The mat is also slip-resistant, which means that you won’t have to worry about slipping and sliding during your yoga practice 2.

Extra-Long and Extra-Wide Yoga Mat

If you’re looking for a mat that’s not only extra-long but also extra-wide, the Yoga Design Lab Combo Mat is the perfect choice.

Extra-Long, Extra-Wide and Extra Thick Yoga Mat

The Cambivo Yoga Mat is going to suit you perfectly.

If you’ve been searching for a yog mat that’s extra-long, extra-wide and extra thick here is your solution.

This mat is 84″ x 30″ and also boasts a 6mm thickness.

What a beauty this all black mat is, it also has a honeycomb pattern on it to ensure there’s no slipping either.

To clean the sweat off, you just use mild soap and water and give it a wipe over.


In conclusion, if you’re a tall person looking for a yoga mat, there are plenty of options available to you.

The Jade Yoga Harmony Yoga Mat, Manduka PROlite Yoga & Pilates Mat, Yoga Design Lab Combo Mat and the Combivo Yoga Mat, are all great choices.

They’re all extra-long, which means that you’ll have plenty of room to move around.

They’re also made from high-quality materials and are perfect for people of all skill levels.

So, go ahead and choose the one that suits you the best and start your yoga journey today! 

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