Top Rated Yoga Mats

Are Yoga Mats Waterproof? Find Out Now!

are yoga mats waterproof

Are yoga mats waterproof is one question we all want answered!

As yoga has branched out from the ancient practice it was many moons ago, many of us have been attracted to this idea of improving our mental and physical health.

One ‘must have’ item that you need for practicing yoga in the 21st century is a yoga mat… didn’t start out that way but that’s another story.

They not only give us a comfortable place to practice our poses but also its a hygienic space of our own.

Are Yoga Mats Waterproof?

Once you’ve been doing yoga for a while there are a number of questions that come to mind.

One reoccuring question that people ask is ‘Are yoga mats waterproof?’ In this simple guide, I’ll explain more about the intricacies of yoga mats, their waterproofing attributes, cleaning methods.

We’ll also chat about the science behind you being able to make an informed choice for a mat that suits your needs.

Understanding the basics

Before we start talking about if mats are waterproof or not it’s important for you to know a bit about the structure of a yoga mat. There are basically two categories of yoga mats; open cell and closed cell.

Open cell means that the mats are porous, they allow water to penetrate the mat’s membrane, this makes them absorbent but possibly quite spongy.

Closed cell mats are designed to be water-resistant or waterproof, this stops the easy penetration of water behind the mat’s wall.

Waterproof vs water resistant

First, we need to understand the difference between waterproof and water resistant, this helps us work out how yoga mats will react to water.

Most yoga mats are made to be water resistant, this means that the mat repells water to some extent to keep the surface dry.

When manufacturers use the term ‘waterproof‘ this means that the mat is specifically designed to stop water from penetrating the surface of the mat.

are yoga mats waterproof

Materials make a difference

There’s no hard and fast rule but many new yoga mats are now made from eco-friendly materials and these are generally open cell. This means that they are fantastic at absorbing some sweat and a few drips of water – they are water resistant.

are yoga mats waterproof

I’m going to put a proviso on here, when we talk about materials there can always be exceptions. Some manufacturers can make for example a TPE mat that is open cell structure (where most TPE mats are closed cell).

It can be a bit confusing but the information below is generally the case. Always read the manufacturer’s information to confirm your mat’s structure.

Materials often included in the open cell category are: natural rubber, jute, organic cotton. These mats are often open cell to provide more grip for those of us who sweat, or who love hot yoga, so that we don’t slip on the mat.

Materials often included in the closed cell category are: PVC and TPE. Closed cell mats are usually thinner and dont absorb water as quickly, so these are considered more waterproof.

Pro’s and Con’s

Our open cell structured mats are often thicker and more porous to water. This results in more sweat and water being soaked into the material of the mat. Because the water soaks in these mats tend to hold more bacteria and moisture. Now, that’s not really a problem but you need to regularly clean this mat. The downside to this structure is that they might not last as long.

Closed cell yoga mats on the other hand are more dense, thinner and the water slides off them more easily. Because the water isn’t absorbed as much it makes it more easy to keep clean. They can also be cleaned less often and don’t have that same build up of moisture and bacteria inside.

Cleaning your mat

How to clean an open cell yoga mat

As often as you use it give it a clean. Use a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water. You can also add a drop of an essential oil to make it smell nice and fresh.

Once a month I recommend you soak the mat in the laundry trough or bath in soapy water. Then leave it out in the sunshine for an hour to kill any bacteria. Hang it over your washing line or over a chair outside, it’ll end up beautful, fresh and dry.

How to clean a closed cell yoga mat

You now know these mats don’t hold as much water in them, so it’s a good idea to go lightly with cleaning them. Don’t soak them in water, just get a bowl and half fill it with water and a few drops of liquid dish soap in it. With a cloth wipe over your mat, paying attention to any particularly dirty marks. Again hang it out on your washing line or a chair so it’s got some support and dries well.

TIP: When you’ve finished cleaning your mat, leave it out in the sun until it is ultra dry. This makes sure to get rid of any nasty bacteria and moisture hanging areound in your mat.

are yoga mats waterproof

Are yoga mats machine washable?

This is something I regularly get asked because it seems like such a simple solution to all this cleaning business. There’s lots of different opinions on this one but for what it’s worth mine is NO yoga mats aren’t machine washable! To me, it’s a risk not worth taking.

My reason for saying this is that you pay good money for your mat and you get used to the support it gives you during your yoga sessions. I don’t believe there are many yoga mats where the manufacturer would recommend machine washing.

If you’re desperate then just machine wash on the gentle cycle with just a few drops of mild soap added in. As I said do this at your own risk, because depending on the material of your mat it may be misshapen or even ruined!

are yoga mats waterproof


Can you leave a yoga mat outside?

Yes, you can leave it outside as long as you’re monitoring it. Don’t leave a yoga mat in the blazing sun for the whole day, it will probably ruin the integrity of the material and possible fade the color too. You can absolutely leave it outside to dry for a few hours. Just check on it every now and then.

Can you wet a yoga mat?

As we talked about above, you can definitely wet your yoga mat. It’s always a good idea to find out if it’s a closed cell or open cell mat. That way you’ll know if you should just give it a gentle wipe over or if you can submerge it completely under water.

Are yoga mats sweat proof?

If you purchase a closed cell structured yoga mat it will be more waterproof (and sweat proof) then open cell mats. When you find a mat you like just look at the description to see what the structure of that mat is and then you can decide. Closed cell, the sweat will run off more and open cell it will soak into the mat more.

Do yoga mats absorb water?

Open celled yoga mats in particular do absorb water. That’s why it’s a good idea to give it a deep clean once a month and leave it out in the sunshine. This gives you peace of mind any bacteria is gone and the water has been dried out of it too. If you want a mat that absorbs less water you would be best buying a closed cell yoga mat.

Hope this helped…

I really hope that this gave you some food for thought and helped you clear up your question of ‘Are yoga mats waterproof?’

Some are waterproof to a certain degree and some aren’t – simple!

As you can see the answer has quite a few variables you need to consider.

This is something to really have a think about before you buy your yoga mat.

Ideally it’s something we know before we choose to go with a closed cell or open cell mat.

But either way you now know how to clean them and look after to keep them lasting for many years to come.

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