Top Rated Yoga Mats

Ready, Set, Yoga! The Ultimate Checklist: What to Bring to a Yoga Class

If you’ve never been to a yoga class at a studio before there’s some things that it’s important to bring with you to make sure you’re prepared.

My first recommendation is to call the studio and find out what do they provide and what should you bring.

Often the studio’s I’ve been to provide yoga mats, blocks and straps there that you can use.

If it’s more a yoga class that’s run in a local hall they probably wont have anything on site for you.

No matter what they say there are certain things that you will still need to bring along to make sure your first class is a smooth experience.

It’s an exciting step into the world of mindfulness, flexibility and overall well being.

what to bring to a yoga class

What To Bring To a Yoga Class

1. Comfy, breathable clothing

It’s essential that you wear clothes you are comfortable in when you’re doing the various poses and stretches in yoga class.

My first few lessons I wore stretchy leggings and a baggy tshirt. Nothing too tight or restricitve. Many ladies recommend wearing a sports bra for support.

Depending on the type of yoga and how sweaty you get, you’ll be best with clothes made from material like cotton or bamboo, that dont hold onto sweat.


Do I need to wear yoga-specific clothing?

Clothes that are made for yoga specifically are designed to be flexible and breathable, they are awesome when you do yoga regularly. For your first session play it safe and wear clothes you already have at home before you go spending money on new gear.

Should I bring a change of clothes?

Based on my experience, no. Unless you’re going to do Hot Yoga, where you’ll be sweating heaps. For a normal yoga session you wont need a change of clothes. Most people wear there yoga gear to and from the class.

what to bring to a yoga class

2. Yoga mat

A yoga mat is another essential item you need to bring to a yoga class.

It helps you to maintain your stability, keep comfortable and it also gives you a hygeinic space to do your poses.


Do I need an expensive mat for my first class?

Definitely not a necessity. First find out if you can borrow one from the studio, until you work out if yoga is for you. Next, if they say no just go and buy a very basic, cheap mat to get you through the start fo your yoga journey.

How do I clean my yoga mat?

If it’s your mat, then you can just give it a wipe over with a mixture of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water after each class. Some mats now are even machine washable, but check this with the manufacturer before you put it in.

what to bring to a yoga class

3. Water bottle

We all know it’s important to stay hydrated when exercising and yoga’s no different.

It’s recommended that you drink before and after class, and depending on the intensity you might need to drink water during the class too.


Is it okay to drink water during class?

Of course you can, just be mindful of the flow of the poses. There will be times that you can reach out for a drink in between poses.

How much water should I drink before class?

It’s a good idea to drink water all day every day. You don’t want to overdo it with the water right before class because we often do bending and twisting poses. The water might not sit in your tummy well if you’re bending over.

what to bring to a yoga class

4. Towel

Just a small towel can be great to wipe away any sweat that you get on yourself or your mat.

It helps you to stay comfy and it keeps your mat non-slip for the whole session.

Do I need a special yoga towel?

Special yoga towel’s do exist but when you first start just a hand towel would be fine. If you want a towel (for Hot yoga) with grippiness, then you would be best to find one online.

How can I keep my towel in place if I choose to put it on my mat?

If you need a non-slip towel, then look for towels that offer this. If you just want to try to keep the sweat away and not slip, I’d suggest just tucking the edges of the towel under your yoga mat. This should hold in place for you.

5. Props

In yoga classes they sometimes use blocks, straps and bolsters to emprove your practice.

For your first class, call the studio and ask if they will be using any of these in the class and do they have them there for the class to use.

These items can provide you with support and can make certain poses easier to get into when you’re first beginning.


Do I need to buy props for my first class?

Most studios have props for general use for classes that are held there. My advice is to do a few sessions before you decide if you want to purchase any props to help your yoga practice.

How do I know when to use props?

That’s the good part about going to a yoga class, you have an experienced instructor who will tell you exactly when to use props. If at any time during the class you’re unsure about something or need help just ask.

what to bring to a yoga class

6. Blanket and eye pillow

Often at the end of a yoga session, your instructor will lead you through some relaxation.

I love to have my own blanket and eye pillow for this part of the class, although they aren’t essential.


Do I need to bring a blanket and eye pillow to my first class?

Not at all, it might be something you go to your first class and see how it runs before bringing your blanket and eye pillow. For me, it just makes me feel fully relaxed and comfortable to have my own things with me.

Does everyone bring a blanket and eye pillow?

No, some people are happy to just play down on their yoga mat and go through the relaxation. It depends on a few things like: how long is the relaxation, do you get cold after yoga, do you prefer not to have your eye’s covered. You make your own decision on this one.

what to bring to a yoga class

7. Open mind and good attitude

For some people yoga is a way of life incorporating physical, mental and spiritual, for other’s it’s a class they go to once a week – both are ok.

When you go to your first class come with an open mind, so that you are open to what the instructor will say and be open to the range of people at the class.

My instructor lives her life according to the yogic philisophy, and she will often educate the class on how the yogic diet, the body and mind works.

I personally find this fascinating, take everything you hear and do as something new that you’re learning.


What if I can’t do certain poses?

Yoga is a personal practice and your abilities will be different from others. Don’t ever be concerned to modify a pose or stop doing it if you feel pain on it’s too much for you. It takes time and repetition of these poses to gain the flexibility to do some of them.

Is it okay to ask questions during the class?

Definitely – ask away! You’re instructor will normally be happy to help you or give an opinion about your question. They are there to help you and offer advice, so make the most of it while you have someone their for guidance.

what to bring to a yoga class

8. Yoga bag

When you attend a class you’ll often have lots of bits and pieces to bring along, a bag to cater for all of this can make life easier.

It’s just convenient to have something to put your mat, water bottle, props, blanket into so that you don’t leave something behind.


Do I need a special bag for my yoga mat?

It’s not necessary, but it is handy to have and they often have lots of pockets to keep your belongings in too.

What should I pack in my yoga bag?

Other than all your yoga gear, it might be a good idea to bring along a small toiletry bag, a snack or any personal items you might need directly before or after class.

9. Personal items

I always bring my personal items to class, otherwise it means leaving them in the car which can be risky. I bring in things like my phone, purse, hair tie, shoes and car keys.

My tip for this one is leave your jewelry at home, it’s just easier than taking it off and putting it somewhere safe where you can find it again.

Make sure you keep the items your bring, in a place thats secure and unobtrusive during the class.


Should I bring my phone into the studio?

There’s normally an area at the studio that’s outside the yoga room where you can leave your belongings safely. At my studio we have cube bookshelves in the main area and I leave it all there. One tip: turn off your phone so you don’t get distracted and don’t disrupt the class.

What if I forget something?

Don’t worry, we all forget things, normally the studio will have whatever you’ve forgotten and you can borrow it or buy it for that class. If not, the other people in your class might be willing to share also.

what to bring to a yoga class


Coming to your first yoga class prepared will just help to allieviate any concerns you might have about not being prepared.

By bringing the things we’ve talked about you’ll be able to just relax and focus on the class and enjoy yourself.

It’s lots of fun and you also get to meet some lovely people along the way.

2 thoughts on “Ready, Set, Yoga! The Ultimate Checklist: What to Bring to a Yoga Class”

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